at spc, stimulant prescriptions, such as adderall, ritalin, or Nuvigil, and including phentermine, are also monitored.
each time a sedative/ benzodiazepine, BARBITURATE, stimulant, narcotic Pain MEDICINE (OPIATES/opioids) or other medicine with abuse potential is prescribed, including soma, a muscle relaxer and prodrug to a latent, habit-forming sedative compound, and lyrica, a medication effective at mitigating neuropathic pain, from damaged nerves themselves (NEUROPATHIES), the Texas PMP AwaRxe nationwide database is accessed, showing all controlled substances being prescribed to a particular patient at all Pharmacies nationwide, and data is readily available for a span of years.
narcotic pain medications (opiates and opioids, including tramadol and tylenol with codeine, and buprenorphine, in addition to hydrocodone, oxycodone, etc.) cannot legally be prescribed via telemedicine for purposes of pain management in texas, but these medications, which you may be obtaining from another provider, are also tracked, as they may interact dangerously with certAin psychotropic medications.
it is of critical importance that patients disclose all medications they are taking and the patient must agree to consolidate all psychotropic agent management (except pain mediCation), allowing me to assume primary responsibility for selecting and directing the psychopharmacologic regimen, providing options when possible, of course, and at all times engaging, educating and collaborating directly—and exclusively—with the patient, and/or family members, caretakers, and guardians, to select the best agents, the right doses, and the best long-term plan. The patient is at a distinct disaDvantage with too many cooKs in the kitchen: two chefs is one too many. There are almost always options because there’s usually more than one right way to proceeD witH pharmacotheraPy. The medical management of psychotropic agenTs is, nonetheless, a SCIENTIFIC endeavor, and there are DEFINITELY more than a few wrong ways to prOceed as well!
failure to disclose all of the medications you are being prescribed, or failure to notify me of a new prescription in these categories is usually grounds for immediate termination of the DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP.